Travel to Peru

When to travel

During the months from May until October the weather conditions are best for traveling, no rain but a little bit colder then throughout the rest of the year.

From June to August it is high season. If you can travel outside high season, e.g. from May to September the climate in Peru is very nice and it is not crowded.

The months Januari until April are the warmest though these months also have most rain. During this period avoid traveling to the rainforest. Please mind the famous Inca Trail is closed for tourists in Februari.

Time difference

During summer time difference between Wester Europe and Peru is 7 hours (it is 7 hours earlier in Peru). During winter the time difference is 6 hours.


The official language is Spanish but locals speak the Indian language Quechua quite often. However, at most hotels, restaurants and touristic places the Peruvian also speak a few words of English.

Travel documents

A valid passport is needed upon entering Peru. Upon return in your home country the passport should be valid for 6 months more. No long stay visum is needed if your stay in Peru is no longer then three months.

All travelers, including kids at any age need to carry their own international passport.

Keep a copy of your passport and other documents in your luggage and keep a digital copy, for instance in your mail. In case you lose your original documents you still have the copies.

Please take care when you book the Inca Trail you have to provide your passport number. Note that when your passport has been renewed in between you will get a new passport number and this will not be the same as the one from your old passport.

  • Take the normal precautions to guard against purse snatchers.
  • Carry a copy of identification documents. Keep originals and your valuables in the safety deposit box of your hotel and make sure to list down what you deposit and verify the responsibility assumed by the establishment.
  • Carry valuables discreetly. Do not carry large amounts of cash. Keep an eye on your bags and luggage.
  • Do not carry suitcases, bags or sac packs on your back.
  • Do not exchange money out in the street.
  • Do not walk around at night through areas with poor lighting or without companion.
Currency and banks

The Peruvian currency is Nuevo Sol (PEN). At the bigger banks you can change Euro's and US dollars to Soles. Soles and US dollars can be withdrawn from any ATM with a Cirrus or Maestro logo. Most towns and cities have enough ATM's around. Please check if you can use your debet or credit in Peru.  At some banks you need to enable the use of your card outside your country or Europe.

Banks in Peru are openen from Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 4pm. Most banks also open on Saturdays. Visa and Mastercard credit cards are accepted at almost any place. Transport

From Lima there are domestic flights to almost any big city in Peru except for Huancayo, Huaraza and Ica. At the moment airport tax (T.U.U.A) for domestic flights is S/12,00, for international flights the airport tax is US$ 25,00. Airport tax can be paid at the gates at the airport.

Bus transportation in Peru is good. Make a reservation of your seat at local busses (the so called 'Ejecutivo' or 'Royal Class' busses) at time. These busses do have a toilet on board, chairs are comfortable and be leaned backwards. Of course we can assist booking your buss trips.

Taxi’s in Peru are cheap but usually they do not have a meter so make sure you agreed on a price before you get in. Shopping

In general, shops, shopping centers and handicraft markets are open every day (even on holidays) between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. In markets and in places such as those where there are beach vendors and street vendors, it is acceptable to bargain.De openingstijden van winkels verschillen van plaats tot plaats.

Tipping The amount of the tip in Peru varies with the degree of satisfaction you have with the service provided. Photografy

Peru is a colorful country. If you want to shoot a picture of someone please ask the person for permission first and be respectful. As in most countries it is not allowed to make pictures from government and military buildings, at borders, airports and electricity companies, etc. If you're in doubt please ask first.

Electricity In Peru the voltage is 220 Volt. At some small local communities and in the rainforest voltage may be 110 Volt. Mobile phones You can use your mobile phone in Peru. Internet Internet is commonly available throughout Peru. Health Recommended vaccinations are Hepatitis A (and Hepatitis B), DTP and Malariaprofylaxen. The latter is dependent on whether you are planning to visit Malaria areas.Please contact your local doctor before leaving.

Many areas in Peru are located at high altitudes, above 2.5000 meters and higher. At higher altitudes the amount of oxygen reduces and therefore your breathing increases. Dehydration due to the higher rate of water vapor lost from the lungs at higher altitudes may contribute to the symptoms of altitude sickness. Altitude sickness appears usually within 24-72 hours after you have reached a new altitude level. One of the symptoms is a hangover feel including headache. To avoid altitude sickness take time and rest frequently. Do not drink alcohol but drink enough water or 'Coca' tea. Eat non fat food in small amounts. If symptoms of altitude sickness do not disappear descend to lower altitudes. Please get informed about altitude sickness before you leave.

Take a small first-aid kit along with you which includes iodine, plasters, sterilon and anti-fever, diarrhea, constipation, insect bites, sunburn and possibly a cure for motion sickness. Consider also a tick, thermometer (unbreakable), ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts, from dehydration) and vitamin tablets. Hygiene traveling including a bottle disinfectant gel (to wash your hands without the need for water and soap) and disinfecting wipes. If you go to a malaria area, think of anti-malaria tablets, an ointment containing DEET and an impregnated mosquito net.


It is advisable to bring clothes for all weather types. Including airy and light clothing to use at the coast, T-shirts with short and long sleeves, warm clothing (fleece, possibly thermal underwear or tights, hat, gloves, thick socks and a windproof jacket) and a minimum of two to three trousers, possibly with detachable legs (jeans dries slowly and is heavy). It is best to work with different layers of clothing, so you can pull something off when it gets hot. If you plan to walk the Inca Trail, wearing good walking shoes is important. When you travel through the Andes warm clothing is recommended including a wind and waterproof jacket.

Adresses Embassy of Peru in the Netherlands Nassauplein 4, 2585 EA Den Haag Tel: +31 (0)70 365 35 00 Fax: +31 (0)70 365 19 29 Website:   Dutch embassy in Peru Avenue José Lakro 1301, piso 13, Miraflores, Lima Tel: +51 1 213 98 00 Fax: +51 1 213 98 05 Website:
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